In Loving Memory of Tanita McCollum
Created by
Sheila Sumrell-Washington
In Loving Memory of Tanita McCollum
Tanita departed this earth at 11:42pm April 25, 2019 in the presence of her immediate loving family at home. In August 2018 she had been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She fought this demonic painful disease long and hard. After all attempts, chemo treatments and tons of meds had been exhausted, she made the boss decision to begin her transition from this earth at home. She departed this earth surrounded by her immediate family/ loved ones.This tragic event has rocked my family to the core. Those of you who know me personally or who have been friends/acquaintances for some time, also know that we lost our granddaughter Naitasia 3 years ago in an auto accident. Tanita was her mother.
Next to my mother, Tanita was the kindest, loving, caring most faithful woman that I have ever known. I have never known a woman who is so loved. I wear the badge "Mom" with pride and dignity. I am so thankful that God allowed this amazing woman to be birthed through me. Throughout her fears, doubts and uncertainity she never waivered her faith and love for Jehovah God. The daily outpour of love from friends, Fulton County 911, and officers is a testament to just how remarkable this young woman really was. With each story of how our daughter impacted their lives brings us so much comfort. It deeply saddens us to know that our daughter did not live to see her upcoming 46th birthday on June 17th.
In closing, I cannot stress the importance of early screening for all types of cancer, but especially colon and liver cancer. This particular cancer does not run on either side of our families, and her diagnosis at such an advanced stage was even more shocking. I truly believe that the age limit for screening should be lowered to 40-45 across the country even if its not genetic. This gives everyone at least, a fighting chance for survival with early detection, and for those over 50, I cannot stress the importance of having a colonoscopy. Early detection could save your life. No parent should have to endure the pain and suffering that our daughter went through. No parent should have to feel that nothing can be done to bring comfort to their child. This particular cancer causes so much incredible pain and discomfort. It's relentless. Just re-living what Tanita suffered brings tears to my eyes. No one should be ripped away from their children or loved ones because of this dreadful disease. Our hearts are shattered.
You fought the good fight baby girl, no more pain, no more sorrow. Now rest, I know that you are in heaven at the right hand of our Lord and Savior. Welcome our daughter into your heavenly kingdom Father God! Tanita served you well! The battle is won!
Rest in Peace Our Beloved Daughter!
Next to my mother, Tanita was the kindest, loving, caring most faithful woman that I have ever known. I have never known a woman who is so loved. I wear the badge "Mom" with pride and dignity. I am so thankful that God allowed this amazing woman to be birthed through me. Throughout her fears, doubts and uncertainity she never waivered her faith and love for Jehovah God. The daily outpour of love from friends, Fulton County 911, and officers is a testament to just how remarkable this young woman really was. With each story of how our daughter impacted their lives brings us so much comfort. It deeply saddens us to know that our daughter did not live to see her upcoming 46th birthday on June 17th.
In closing, I cannot stress the importance of early screening for all types of cancer, but especially colon and liver cancer. This particular cancer does not run on either side of our families, and her diagnosis at such an advanced stage was even more shocking. I truly believe that the age limit for screening should be lowered to 40-45 across the country even if its not genetic. This gives everyone at least, a fighting chance for survival with early detection, and for those over 50, I cannot stress the importance of having a colonoscopy. Early detection could save your life. No parent should have to endure the pain and suffering that our daughter went through. No parent should have to feel that nothing can be done to bring comfort to their child. This particular cancer causes so much incredible pain and discomfort. It's relentless. Just re-living what Tanita suffered brings tears to my eyes. No one should be ripped away from their children or loved ones because of this dreadful disease. Our hearts are shattered.
You fought the good fight baby girl, no more pain, no more sorrow. Now rest, I know that you are in heaven at the right hand of our Lord and Savior. Welcome our daughter into your heavenly kingdom Father God! Tanita served you well! The battle is won!
Rest in Peace Our Beloved Daughter!
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