I hit 117 miles today with a half marathon in southeastern Wisconsin on a beautiful, 70-degree day - there couldn’t have been a better day, trail, and outcome to end this challenge with. I want to thank you all for your love, encouragement, donations, and support the last few weeks. My journey from here moves on to full marathon training for a couple races in October, but this last month has brought purpose and focus to my time on the road. Dedicating this time to Sue and Grandma has allowed me to rededicate to my own health goal: longevity. I want to be around for as long as possible to see our kids evolve into adults, parents, etc., and put my feet up for at least a couple decades, with Rainey - all of which aligns with what the Colon Cancer Coalition is doing to raise awareness and the celebration of our amazing friend Sue. So if YOU need encouragement on your own journey, let me know - I owe you. I have...nothing...figured out, but I do know it takes one step at a time. And last but not least...GET SCREENED. I love you all and wish you a happy 2021. Thank you.

My 2021 Get Your Rear in Gear - Madison Personal Page
Zak Manes
Together, we can make a difference!

Another 6 mile run yesterday leaves 15.25 to go.
I managed to get a 6-miler in today. Remaining miles: 21.25
I completed a rainy 16-mile run today to bring my total to 89.75 miles with one week to go. That leaves 27.25 for the final week of May, which will conclude with another half-marathon on Sunday. Thanks again for your emails, texts, and donations - it’s all helped get me out of the door and on the road even when I didn’t necessarily feel like it. This is the homestretch, as they say. Love you all.
Another 7 miles this evening. Planning on a long run tomorrow to get in a good place for the final week of the Challenge.
With 5 miles again yesterday, then a 7-mile run to daycare after work makes 17 miles so far this week.
Another 5 miles today - on track for 37 miles this week thus far.
A busy week had me short of my goal, which I will make up over the next few days. But today, I did squeeze in 18 miles.

Today was my “revenge run” - I had run a half marathon on this course, which is brutally hilly, a few weeks ago and was not happy with how I did. With some improved preparation this time, I shaved 7 minutes off and got to my Week 1 goal of 32 miles.
My 7 mile run to daycare today after work kept me on track, so just need to get a short run in tomorrow.
I got a mid-day 5-miler in today to bring my total to 9.5, which is a little behind where I was hoping to be. However, I have a 7-mile run planned tomorrow, then a shorter one on Thursday with an off-day Friday prior to my half-marathon on Saturday. My goal is to be at 32 miles for Week One.

Grandma and Grandpa made it from Illinois.

My planned solo long run turned into a duo short run with a stroller instead. We ended up at Colectivo Coffee on Milwaukee’s lakeshore with my parents.

3.1 miles down, 113.9 to Go. I ran my first road 5K today since 2014. Local charity race for an at-risk teens organization. It was windy and a little hillier than I’d expected, but I did okay. Long training run tomorrow and I’ll post again.
