Thank you to everyone that donated, I am so happy to raise these funds in memory of one of my oldest friends. Love to you all!
75 Miles in Memory of Melissa
75 Miles in Memory of Melissa
Together, we can make a difference!
I did it!
I ran/walked a 5K race! Running with other people really pushed me and I ran a personal best (at least for my "modern" era!).
I haven't posted in a while, but I've been walking and running! My total for May so far is 45.83 miles! Today, I'm walking/running a 5K for the first time in 19 years. I'll post aboout that when I get home. :)
May 11: 3.2 miles (walked). May 12: 3.16 miles (walk/run). Total for May: 27.55 miles. I signed up for a 5K race a week from tomorrow! Years ago I ran 5K races regularly. The last race I ran was on Mother's Day 2004 with Perrin in the jogging stroller. So, it's been a while!
May 10: 3.21 miles (walk/run)), total for May: 21.17 miles. Got some new running shoes this week!
May 8: 3.14 miles (walked), total: 17.95 miles in May. So the last two days I walked a 5K in my neighborhood. Sunday was a slow walk, yesterday was a little faster. So, I now have a base 5K time that I can work on improving. I'm going to take a rest day today since I have a crazy day at work ahead. Tomorrow I'm going to start adding some running intervals!
May 7: 3.1 miles (walked), total 14.79 miles in May. After my long hike yesterday, i wanted to take it easy, but not take the day off. I walked a slow 5K around my neighborhood. I now have a baseline 5K time, it can only get better!
4.75 mile hike today! Total for May: 11.69 miles!
May 4 - 2.17 miles (walking). Total: 6.94 miles. I took a rest day yesterday because I had three very active days in a row. Self care! Tonight after dinner I did three laps of the neighborhood. I'm going to plan a long hike for this weekend and get some geocaching in. I came across an ad today for a 5K in Gardner in a couple of weeks, and I think I'm going to sign up. My goal for this month is to raise $500 for the Colon Cancer Coalition. That means I need your help! Click on the link below, any amount will be welcome and celebrated!
May 2 - 2.6 miles (walk/run intervals). Total - 4.77 miles. I didn't think I was going to get this one in today. I woke up late, it was pouring rain this morning, and it was pouring rain when I left work, but it cleared up as I got home. I did a warmup walk, then 90 second run/walk intervals. I was slow, and sweating like crazy, but I did it! By the way, cancer screenings are really important. Are you getting the screenings that you need to detect cancer as early as possible? Talk with your doctor about what screenings are appropriate for you. Ladies, you should be having annual mammograms and regular pap smears. Anyone over age 45 should get a colonoscopy, I had my first last year. Do it for you and your family. <3
May 1 - 2.17 miles (walked). Total - 2.17 miles. Tonight I got up off of the couch and walked three laps of my neighborhood after dinner, I've got to start somewhere! Melissa and I met when her family moved to Hudson when we were in the 5th grade. We were in the same class at school, and she and I were both the oldest of three kids. Somewhere I have a class picture, I'll have to see if I can find it to share!