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My 2024 Get Your Rear in Gear - Boston Personal Page

Patty Ahern
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Patty Ahern

Here it is, my fundraising page!

My story is simple. I'm mad as fuck that I lost my friend to colon cancer last July, a man that I was absolutely crazy about. I met Russ during elementary school for a short time before moving away at age 10. We reconnected 35 years later, shortly after he was diagnosed with colon cancer. We shared three years of friendship before he passed away in July 2023.

Russ was humble, always in control and made every decision about his own care. Christ, I complained more about my hair than Russ ever complained about the cancer. It is, what it was and thats exactly how he handled it. Me?? Not so much in control, one might call me erratic, crazed even. I still feel helpless and I'm a fighter by nature, so this is my way of fighting back. It's the only way to fight cancer, raise money to find a cure. So this one, THIS ONE is for Russ. I miss him all the time. 🧡

I have the GREATEST friends, I ask a lot of all of you, but this loss is way harder than I expected. I'll take all the help I can get to make my personal fight with fucking cancer worth it, in any form a donation, support or even a walk with me. I've got 25 miles to walk. I'm pretty lazy but I'll get them all done!! The last 5 miles will be completed on Sept 21, the time of this event. I'm hoping the finish line brings me a little bit of peace and healing because a year later and I can't seem to move forward without him.

By donating and sharing my page, you can directly help people that are impacted by colon cancer and help save lives. I'm not afraid to say it.. fuck you cancer!!

Sept 21... Right around the corner and I'm almost ready!


I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, fight for them and they will fight for you. Doesn't matter where I'm walking, this is what i'm thinking about.. the loss of Russ and all my friends that are here for me. FU CANCER


Early morning steps! Get when I can!


Knockin' out some miles!


North Brookfield Elementary School. Who knew...

2.5 miles. Slow but sure!

Four miles


raised of $1,023.71 goal


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Team Whiskey Bees
