2024 Asstronauts Get Your Rear In Gear
The Asstronauts
The Asstronauts
Welcome Asstronauts!
Year 10!
Thank you to all returning Asstronauts and my thanks to all rookie Asstronauts that will be joining this September.
I do this for my dad. One day after chemo we were walking through the cancer building and saw some flyers for Get Your Rear in Gear. Nothing major just some small stuff along the walls, and dad wanted to find out where they were located at. So we did that and found Lynn and her husband in an office packing up every single gift bag for the race. Guy Robert Berst, being the man, offered our services as bag fillers and that was our first encounter with GYRIG.
This will always hold a special place in my heart. It’ll be our 10th year doing this. I wanna do this for 70 more. Thank you Asstronauts 🎗️
Year 10!
Thank you to all returning Asstronauts and my thanks to all rookie Asstronauts that will be joining this September.
I do this for my dad. One day after chemo we were walking through the cancer building and saw some flyers for Get Your Rear in Gear. Nothing major just some small stuff along the walls, and dad wanted to find out where they were located at. So we did that and found Lynn and her husband in an office packing up every single gift bag for the race. Guy Robert Berst, being the man, offered our services as bag fillers and that was our first encounter with GYRIG.
This will always hold a special place in my heart. It’ll be our 10th year doing this. I wanna do this for 70 more. Thank you Asstronauts 🎗️